Idle chatter

Monday, December 04, 2006

Pass the nostalgia please...

Walking out of the office today, when the coworker behind me started whistling "The Right Stuff" from New Kids on The Block. LOVED IT!!! Watched "So I Married an Axe Murderer" on Saturday with my sister and her boyfriend who had never seen it. It could easily be my favorite movie. I would like to visit "The Meadows," although I'm sure by now the Pentavirate has changed...I think this craving for nostalgia stems for my need to simplify my life. Things are EXTREMELY complicated right now. In a job interview a few months ago, an interviewer asked the dreaded, "where do you see yourself in 5 years?" You know what I wanted to say? "Hopefully, a stay-at-home mom with a couple of kids, you know, if they could only survive in utero." Sorry, TMI. But I just don't know where life is taking me right now. I'm trying to be ok with that, trying to "let go and let God," but as God and all my close friends know, I have to be in control, and not knowing what's behind door number 1 tends to give me acid reflux. Again, TMI. So, forgive me if there are days when I wish I was 14 again, when my biggest worry was what boy to have a crush on, or that I had to write a report on Huck Finn, or that my mom wouldn't get off my back (justifiably) for not loading the dishwasher. Because now I have to worry about whether my new job is enough to pay the bills, whether I'm ready to start "trying" to get pregnant again, whether I'll get to see my family more than twice a year. It's all weighing very heavy right now. This was quite a rant from NKOTB, huh?